Social Pest Management
A social approach to integrated pest management in the Israeli Galilee

Project Location :
Project Type :
Impact Evaluation
Project Details
Area Wide Integrated Pest Management, based on central regional control and utilizing information gathered from large number of growers for decision support, is an effective optimization approach for pest management. However, it is often difficult for growers to adopt, requiring significant trust, additional professional knowledge and attention.
This study analyzed the impacts of a regional management project of the Medfly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) comprising most of the deciduous plots in Northern Israel during 2012-2016, providing a unique evaluation at such large spatio-temporal scales of regional IPM project with both bottom-up and top-down management. Results demonstrate that establishing a high level professional regional advisory and scouting team, and gradually promoting sustainable practices among growers, led to increasing level of compliance with expert recommendations and IPM practices.
The project allowed replacement of aerial bait spraying with mass trapping in over 80% of its region while keeping Medfly infestation rates under the economic threshold in most of the plots. In parallel, lower infestation rates were found among growers who highly complied with the advisory team's recommendations.
Implementing Partners and Funding Sources

Galil Elyon Regional Council